The island is three times the size of Lamu and is located about 20km to the northeast. Unlike both Lamu and Manda, the Island dos not have a large area taken up by dunes.
The island is divided into two parts – indeed it may have been two Islands but the channel dividing them is too shallow that only the smallest boats can go down it. The land is very low-lying and the towns can only be reached at high tide. The Town of Pate is only accessible from the sea at the right tide. It is situated in the southwest corner of the Island and is one of the old Swahili towns that dot the coast. The town shows strong Arabic and Indian influences, and was once most famous for the silk that was produced there. The main ruins are those of Nabahani which are found just outside the town. Although they have not yet been excavated you should be able to make out the town walls, houses, mosques and tombs.