Your beach tour to the old town of Mombasa is not complete without taking a day out to Tsavo national park. Tsavo national park is divided into west and east national parks. Tour to either of the two tour parks is the best decision to make, whether on a short or long coastal holiday.Tsavo National Park is the largest park in Kenya and consists of two separate parks, Tsavo East and Tsavo West. Altogether, Tsavo measures 21,000 square kilometers. The park is located between the cities of Mombasa and Nairobi and straddles the highway used to travel from one to the other. Tsavo National Park is known for its abundance of wildlife as well as a variety of geological features such as Mudanda Rock and Lugard Falls. Because Mudanda Rock towers over a natural dam, it is a good place to see elephants and other park inhabitants in the dry season. Other important features include the Yatta Plateau and the Aruba Dam.